Self representation:
I would say that my style (in terms of clothing) is fashionable and
up-to-date, however I do not religiously follow trends, and prefer to rely on
my own tastes when it comes to deciding what to wear. Saying this though, I
still enjoy researching (either from blogs I follow, or magazines I read)
recent and upcoming fashions. More often than not, I will choose to wear
clothing which is flattering, rather than trendy. I would rather be overdressed
than underdressed.
"You can never be overdressed or overeducated" - Oscar Wilde.
I would say that my appearance accurately displays my age, and you could
say class, as although I tend not to buy designer garments, I like to think I
am usually reasonably well dressed. Therefore, you could argue that I look middle-class.

Although I was born in Leicester city, and lived there for the first
seven years of my life, I believe that I speak with a 'Midlands' accent - but
do not sound specific to Leicester itself. Both my parents are fairly well spoken,
and as I lived in Cambridge between the ages of seven and eleven, I picked up a regional accent from that area - such as pronouncing words like 'bath' as 'barth'. Although I am not in the habit of pronouncing my 'a's like that now, I like to think I still hold the principles of pronouncing my words correctly.
Growing up in Leicester meant that I was surrounded by a vast amount of diversity, in terms of ethnicity and religion. Although I am White British, and do not follow a religion, I find other religions and traditions fascinating and believe that there is something to be taken from each of them, and valuable lessons can be learnt from each of them. I particularly used to enjoy celebrating Diwali when I lived in the city centre, as many beautiful (and tasty) traditions follow this celebration.
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