Sunday, 21 September 2014
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Self representation
Self representation:
I would say that my style (in terms of clothing) is fashionable and
up-to-date, however I do not religiously follow trends, and prefer to rely on
my own tastes when it comes to deciding what to wear. Saying this though, I
still enjoy researching (either from blogs I follow, or magazines I read)
recent and upcoming fashions. More often than not, I will choose to wear
clothing which is flattering, rather than trendy. I would rather be overdressed
than underdressed.
"You can never be overdressed or overeducated" - Oscar Wilde.
I would say that my appearance accurately displays my age, and you could
say class, as although I tend not to buy designer garments, I like to think I
am usually reasonably well dressed. Therefore, you could argue that I look middle-class.

Although I was born in Leicester city, and lived there for the first
seven years of my life, I believe that I speak with a 'Midlands' accent - but
do not sound specific to Leicester itself. Both my parents are fairly well spoken,
and as I lived in Cambridge between the ages of seven and eleven, I picked up a regional accent from that area - such as pronouncing words like 'bath' as 'barth'. Although I am not in the habit of pronouncing my 'a's like that now, I like to think I still hold the principles of pronouncing my words correctly.
Growing up in Leicester meant that I was surrounded by a vast amount of diversity, in terms of ethnicity and religion. Although I am White British, and do not follow a religion, I find other religions and traditions fascinating and believe that there is something to be taken from each of them, and valuable lessons can be learnt from each of them. I particularly used to enjoy celebrating Diwali when I lived in the city centre, as many beautiful (and tasty) traditions follow this celebration.
A (reduced) explanation of representation
Representation refers to aspects of ‘reality’,
including; people, places, objects, events, cultural identities and other
concepts. It can also often be expressed through the use of speech and writing.
However, it is not just about the conception of
who/what a person is, but also the way in which others judge them as a
consequence of these demographic factors.
Representation within the media is used to
enhance the overall appearance of a product to an audience; despite not having
to strictly depict ‘real life’.
Media forms are a
representation of someone's concept of existence; signs and symbols which can be read by an audience.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Film Production
Film Production Roles:
The writer, or ‘screenwriter’, creates the screen play for the producer, director and cast to
carry out. They are essentially the ideas behind the media produced. Screen plays are used as a preview, to show
what the film would look like if it was produced.
The producer has control over the
film in terms of what happens in it and makes sure that the final outcome of
the film is suitable for the viewing of the target audience. They also decide the location of
which the film is produced. They make sure that the film is created on time and
distributed properly. There can be more than one producer, however one may have
more control over another depending on how much money they have contributed towards the budget of the film.
Casting Director:
The casting Director auditions
actors and actresses, and chooses specific people to play the roles of the
characters within the film, they do this by matching actors and actresses to
the parts they suit the most; i.e. you can’t cast an actor with blonde hair to
play the part of a brunette, unless they can adapt to the role (dye their hair).
Directors are, in some respects, responsible for the success or failure of the film. Their job is to turn the
script into images and sound for the film. They also manage the production of commercials used to advertise the film.
Film Finance:
Film finance are responsible for the valuing of the film, which usually occurs pre-production, in order to highlight any figures they should be wary of (so that more/less funding can be acquired).
An editor prepares the film so it is
suitable for distribution, paying particular consideration towards attention to detail.
Production Designer:
Production designers manage the look, feel and essence that
the film manifests to the audience. A great deal of work and
imagination goes into constructing the backdrop to any story, and choosing or
building locations and/or sets, therefore a production designer has an
important job within the production of the final product of the film.
Marketing Manager:
A marketing manager promotes the product, so that viewers
are enticed into watching the final distribution of the film.
Promoting the film before it is yet to be released, e.g. a film festival or a film premiere.
7 areas of representation AND 4 areas of textual analysis
7 areas of representation:
- Gender
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Sexuality
- Class and status
- Physical ability/disability
- Regional identity
4 areas of textual analysis:
Camera shots, angle, movement, composition:
- Shots: establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide show, two-shot, aerial shot, P.O.V. shot, over the shoulder shot, and variations of these.
- Angle: high angle, low angle, canted angle.
- Movement: pan, tilt, track, dolly, crane, steadicam, hand-held, zoom, reverse zoom.
- Composition: framing, rule of thirds, depth of field - deep and shallow focus, focus pulls.
Includes transition of image and sound - continuity
and non-continuity systems.
- Cutting: shot/reverse shot, eyeline match, graphic match, action match, jump cut, crosscutting, parallel editing, cutaway; insert.
- Other transitions: dissolve, fade-in, fade-out, wipe, superimposition, long take, short take, slow motion, ellipsis and expansion of time, post-production, visual effects.
- Diegetic and non-diegetic sound, synchronous/asynchronous sound, sound effects, sound motif, sound bridge, dialogue, voiceover, mode of address/direct address, sound mixing, sound perspective.
- Production design: location, studio, set design, costume and makeup, properties.
- Lighting: colour design.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Audience and institutions: the 7 key areas
Institutions and Audiences:
Candidates should be prepared to understand and discuss the processes of production, distribution, marketing and exchange as they relate to contemporary media institutions, as well as the nature of audience consumption and the relationships between audiences and institutions. In addition, candidates should be familiar with:
• the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice;
• the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing;
• the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange;
• the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences;
• the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences;
• the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions;
• the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.
Candidates should be prepared to understand and discuss the processes of production, distribution, marketing and exchange as they relate to contemporary media institutions, as well as the nature of audience consumption and the relationships between audiences and institutions. In addition, candidates should be familiar with:
• the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice;
• the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing;
• the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange;
• the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences;
• the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences;
• the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions;
• the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.
Friday, 5 September 2014
5 artists:
Vampire Weekend - I love their slight reggae feel, and they were always playing in my dad's car.
Mark Ronson - He plays all the instruments himself, which is amazing, and his renditions of songs are as good as the original (if not better, in some cases).
Haim - I kinda love that they are made up of three sisters (I am the second sister of three).
Hot Chip - I really like the electronic sounds, and their melodies are catchy. They have cool/weird music videos, also.
Tchaikovsky - Classical music pulls at my heartstrings; I love playing it, and dancing to it, just as much as I love listening to it.
5 album covers:
Cross / Justice - Simple and effective, yet pleasing to the eye, I also love the album.
So Long See You Tomorrow / Bombay Bicycle Club - It looks like an unconventional calendar, and the times of day and night are displayed brilliantly.
Vampire Weekend / Vampire Weekend - The chandelier is lovely, and so is the filter used.
Super Model / Foster The People - Creepy, colourful and detailed. Matches the album perfectly.
The Trick to Life / The Hoosiers - Pleasing to the eye, reminds me of a 3D book I used to have when I was younger.
5 (art) artists:
William Morris - I would happily wear all of his prints, and if I could, would plaster them throughout my house.
Valentina Ramos - The detail she uses for her illustrations make them beautiful and interesting.
Matisse - I am not as keen on his portraits, but his collages of sea creatures and plants are wonderful. I love the colours he uses.
Liselotte Watkins - Her style of illustration is different and refreshing, particularly her fashion sketches.
Gustav Klimt - His paintings are always beautiful and I love recurring use of the colour gold.
5 films:
Napoleon Dynamite - Funny, and his life is so unlike mine that I can't help but laugh.
Amèlie - I think the storyline is excellent, and it has such gorgeous images and colours.
The Shining - I love being scared, and this is a scary film.
Ballet Shoes - This is the film I watch when I'm ill, it is comforting and heart-warming.
Polar Express - The ultimate Christmas film.
5 songs:
Waltz of the Flowers / Tchaikovsky - Classical music is one of my favourite genres, and I performed in a ballet of the Nutcracker approx. 6 years ago, and so I have a soft spot for this. My favourite part is the minor phrase towards the end of the piece.
Lady Madonna / The Beatles - The piano riff is so catchy and fun.
Feel Good Inc / Gorillaz - Again, this is another song/artist which was constantly played by my dad, and reminds me of day trips out when I was younger.
Mind Mischief / Tame Impala - Summery and carefree.
Machu Picchu / The Strokes - It sounds almost 80s inspired, with a catchy beat and his voice is so nice to listen to.
5 artists:
Vampire Weekend - I love their slight reggae feel, and they were always playing in my dad's car.
Mark Ronson - He plays all the instruments himself, which is amazing, and his renditions of songs are as good as the original (if not better, in some cases).
Haim - I kinda love that they are made up of three sisters (I am the second sister of three).
Hot Chip - I really like the electronic sounds, and their melodies are catchy. They have cool/weird music videos, also.
Tchaikovsky - Classical music pulls at my heartstrings; I love playing it, and dancing to it, just as much as I love listening to it.
5 album covers:
Cross / Justice - Simple and effective, yet pleasing to the eye, I also love the album.
So Long See You Tomorrow / Bombay Bicycle Club - It looks like an unconventional calendar, and the times of day and night are displayed brilliantly.
Vampire Weekend / Vampire Weekend - The chandelier is lovely, and so is the filter used.
Super Model / Foster The People - Creepy, colourful and detailed. Matches the album perfectly.
The Trick to Life / The Hoosiers - Pleasing to the eye, reminds me of a 3D book I used to have when I was younger.
5 (art) artists:
William Morris - I would happily wear all of his prints, and if I could, would plaster them throughout my house.
Valentina Ramos - The detail she uses for her illustrations make them beautiful and interesting.
Matisse - I am not as keen on his portraits, but his collages of sea creatures and plants are wonderful. I love the colours he uses.
Liselotte Watkins - Her style of illustration is different and refreshing, particularly her fashion sketches.
Gustav Klimt - His paintings are always beautiful and I love recurring use of the colour gold.
Napoleon Dynamite - Funny, and his life is so unlike mine that I can't help but laugh.
Amèlie - I think the storyline is excellent, and it has such gorgeous images and colours.
The Shining - I love being scared, and this is a scary film.
Ballet Shoes - This is the film I watch when I'm ill, it is comforting and heart-warming.
Polar Express - The ultimate Christmas film.
5 songs:
Waltz of the Flowers / Tchaikovsky - Classical music is one of my favourite genres, and I performed in a ballet of the Nutcracker approx. 6 years ago, and so I have a soft spot for this. My favourite part is the minor phrase towards the end of the piece.
Lady Madonna / The Beatles - The piano riff is so catchy and fun.
Feel Good Inc / Gorillaz - Again, this is another song/artist which was constantly played by my dad, and reminds me of day trips out when I was younger.
Mind Mischief / Tame Impala - Summery and carefree.
Machu Picchu / The Strokes - It sounds almost 80s inspired, with a catchy beat and his voice is so nice to listen to.
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